Featured Crypto Accounting Team

Featured Team

VC Partners

VC Partners combines nimble cloud accounting/finance solutions with considerable startup expertise in order to provide efficient and responsive services

VC Partners provides CFO, finance and infrastructure consulting to hi-tech start-ups. Services include interim CFOs, M&A transactions, financing coordination, strategic and equity planning, budgeting, internal and external accounting, leasing, HR, benefits, facilities, tax coordination.

Headquartered in

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Featured Leader

Mark Bagby

Founding Partner

Mark Bagby

Founding Partner

Founding partner of VC Partners.

Mark Bagby is a start-up financial expert. After founding VC Partners in 1991, he has spent three decades developing teams and solutions to help hi-tech, rapid growth companies. Working with over 100 public and private companies, Mark has collaborated on several IPOs and dozens of M&A transactions focusing on optimal returns for shareholders. Mark holds graduate degrees from Stanford University, Tulane University, Santa Clara University, and the Graduate Theological Union.

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Choosing an accounting team for your company can feel overwelming, but we're here to help. Talk to our matching concierge to get introed to your perfect team.

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Choosing an accounting team for your company can feel overwelming, but we're here to help. Talk to our matching concierge to get introed to your perfect team.

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